MI Center – Den Motiverende Samtale

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Den motiverende samtale i praksis

Carl Åke Farbring og Stephen Rollnick har i Den motiverende samtale i praksis udvalgt enkle og virkningsfulde dele af den motiverende samtale med den hensigt at hjælpe praktikere med at føre samtaler, der hjælper klienterne med at opfylde de mål, de sætter sig.

Den motiverende samtale

I “Den motiverende samtale” præsenterer William R. Miller og Stephen Rollnick dig for de principper, som ligger bag den motiverende samtale mellem rådgiver og klient. I bogen beskrives de specifikke strategier, der skal til for at opbygge motivation hos klienten og hertil, hvad der sker til for, at klienten ønsker at forandre sig. “Den motiverende samtale” henvender sig behandlere, der arbejder med fysisk såvel som psykisk sundhed, herunder misbrugsspecialister, psykologer, psykiatere, familieterapeuter, vejledere, sygeplejersker og studerende indenfor disse felter. Bogen er skrevet i et overskueligt sprog og uddrag af samtaler er med til at koble teori med praksis. 

Motivationssamtalen i sundhedssektoren

Hvordan motiverer man allerbedst en patient til at foretage en livsstilsændring?

“Motivationssamtalen i Sundhedssektoren” handler om netop dette.

Mange ting kan have indvirkning på menneskets livsstil og forringe livskvaliteten i stor grad; f.eks. rygning, motion, alkohol og fedme. I sundhedssektoren oplever mange nødvendigheden af at råde deres patienter til at ændre deres adfærd på disse punkter, men det kan være noget af en udfordring at motivere korrekt.

Bogen er skrevet af Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller og Christopher C. Butler og giver sine bud på, hvordan man gør netop dette. Her får du samtaleteknisk teori og metode til samtalen mellem behandler og patient, ved hjælp af forståelige eksempler

Den motiverende samtale

– praktisk håndbog til samtaler med ældre

Når man arbejder med ældre borgere eller patienter, der f.eks. skal ændre sine vaner eller sin livsstil, så er det vigtigt at kunne kommunikere korrekt. “Den motiverende samtale” lærer alle i sundhedsvæsenet at motivere gennem samtale og på den måde skabe gode resultater.

Barbra Holm Ivarsson og Liria Ortiz står bag “Den motiverende samtale”, der er en praktisk håndbog til samtaler med ældre. Den henvender sig til alle der arbejder i sundhedssektoren; f.eks. sygeplejersker, kostvejledere, fysioterapeuter eller SOSU-assistenter. Man får faktuel viden samt praktiske eksempler, der kan være anvendelige i løbet af en arbejdsdag.

by Hal Arkowitz (Editor), William R. Miller (Editor), Stephen Rollnick (Editor), & 2more

Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Psychological Problems

(Applications of Motivational Interviewing) Hardcover – 7

This authoritative guide, now significantly revised and expanded, has given tens of thousands of clinicians proven tools for helping clients resolve ambivalence and mobilize their energy, commitment, and personal resources for change. Leading experts describe ways to combine motivational interviewing (MI) with other treatments for a wide range of psychological problems, including depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, and others. Chapters illustrate the nuts and bolts of intervention, using vivid clinical examples, and review the empirical evidence base. Contributors show how to tailor MI to each population’s needs, whether used as a pretreatment or throughout the course of therapy.

This book is in the Applications of Motivational Interviewing series, edited by Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller, and Theresa B. Moyers.

by Marc P. Steinberg (Author), William R. Miller (Author)

Motivational Interviewing in Diabetes Care: Facilitating Self-Care 

(Applications of Motivational Interviewing) Paperback – 25

People with diabetes often struggle to make healthy choices and stay on top of managing their illness. Filling a vital need, this is the first book to focus on the use of motivational interviewing (MI) in diabetes care. The uniquely qualified authors–physician Marc P. Steinberg has devoted much of his career to diabetes care, and renowned clinical psychologist William R. Miller is the codeveloper of MI–present proven counseling techniques that can make any conversation with a patient more efficacious and motivating. Numerous sample dialogues illustrate specific ways to elicit patients’ strengths and help them overcome barriers to change in such areas as eating habits, physical activity, medication use, insulin treatment, substance abuse, psychological issues, and more.

This book is in the Applications of Motivational Interviewing series, edited by Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller, and Theresa B. Moyers.

Winner (First Place)–American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award, Adult Primary Care Category

A unique clinical resource, this book shows how to infuse the methods and spirit of motivational interviewing (MI) into group-based interventions. The authors demonstrate how the four processes of MI with individuals translate into group contexts. They explain both the challenges and the unique benefits of MI groups, guiding practitioners to build the skills they need to lead psychoeducational, psychotherapeutic, and support groups successfully. A wealth of clinical examples are featured. Chapters by contributing authors present innovative group applications targeting specific problems: substance use disorders, dual diagnosis, chronic health conditions, weight management, adolescent risk behaviors, intimate partner violence, and sexual offending.

This book is in the Applications of Motivational Interviewing series, edited by Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller, and Theresa B. Moyers.

A unique clinical resource, this book shows how to infuse the methods and spirit of motivational interviewing (MI) into group-based interventions. The authors demonstrate how the four processes of MI with individuals translate into group contexts. They explain both the challenges and the unique benefits of MI groups, guiding practitioners to build the skills they need to lead psychoeducational, psychotherapeutic, and support groups successfully. A wealth of clinical examples are featured. Chapters by contributing authors present innovative group applications targeting specific problems: substance use disorders, dual diagnosis, chronic health conditions, weight management, adolescent risk behaviors, intimate partner violence, and sexual offending.

This book is in the Applications of Motivational Interviewing series, edited by Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller, and Theresa B. Moyers.

by Rosengren, David B

Building Motivational Interviewing Skills: A Practitioner Workbook

(Applications of Motivational Interviewing) by Rosengren, David B. ( 2009 ) Unknown Binding

This practical book provides effective strategies for helping therapy clients with anxiety resolve ambivalence and increase their intrinsic motivation for change. The author shows how to infuse the spirit and methods of motivational interviewing (MI) into cognitive-behavioral therapy or any other anxiety-focused treatment. She describes specific ways to use MI as a pretreatment intervention or integrate it throughout the course of therapy whenever motivational impasses occur. Vivid clinical material–including a chapter-length case example of a client presenting with anxiety and depression–enhances the utility of this accessible guide.

This book is in the Applications of Motivational Interviewing series, edited by Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller, and Theresa B. Moyers.

by Rosengren, David B. ( 2009 ) Unknown Binding

Building Motivational Interviewing Skills: A Practitioner Workbook

(Applications of Motivational Interviewing) 



by Naar-King, Sylvie, Suarez, Mariann (2011)

Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents and Young Adults

(Applications of Motivational Interviewing) 

This pragmatic guide spells out how to use motivational interviewing (MI) to have productive conversations about behavior change with adolescents and young adults in any clinical context. Filled with vivid examples, sample dialogues, and “dos and don’ts,” the book shows how conducting MI from a developmentally informed standpoint can help practitioners quickly build rapport with young patients, enhance their motivation to make healthy changes, and overcome ambivalence. Experts on specific adolescent problems describe MI applications in such key areas as substance abuse, smoking, sexual risk taking, eating disorders and obesity, chronic illness management, and externalizing and internalizing behavior problems.


by Hohman PhD, Melinda (2011)

Motivational Interviewing in Social Work Practice

(Applications of Motivational Interviewin)

Motivational interviewing (MI) offers powerful tools for helping social work clients draw on their strengths to make desired changes in their lives. This reader-friendly book introduces practitioners and students to MI and demonstrates how to integrate this evidence-based method into direct practice. Melinda Hohman and her associates describe innovative applications for diverse clients and practice areas, including substance abuse treatment, mental health, child welfare, community organizing, and others. Extensive sample dialogues illustrate MI skills in action with individuals and groups. The book also presents best practices for MI training, teaching, and agency-wide integration.


Motivational Interviewing in Social Work Practice

e ( second edition 2021) 

The definitive text on motivational interviewing (MI) written by and for social workers has now been updated and expanded with 60% new material, including a revised conceptual framework, cutting-edge applications, and enhanced pedagogical features. Melinda Hohman and her associates demonstrate what MI looks like in action, how it transforms conversations with clients, and how to integrate it into social work practice in a wide range of settings. Extensive new case examples and annotated sample dialogues bring the concepts to life, helping readers build their own repertoires of MI skills. The book also summarizes the research base for MI and shares expert recommendations for teaching, training, and professional development.

New to This Edition
*Expanded and restructured around the current four-process model of MI (engaging, focusing, evoking, and planning).
*Content is explicitly linked to the Council on Social Work Education’s Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) and the Grand Challenges for Social Work.
*Chapter on MI through the lens of critical race theory.
*Chapter on innovative applications in the areas of trauma, food insecurity, and environmental justice.
*Additional pedagogical features–“Voices from the Field” boxes written by social workers in a variety of roles, and end-of-chapter reflection questions.

Motivational Interviewing in Schools

Conversations to Improve Behavior and Learning

The first teacher’s guide to the proven counseling approach known as motivational interviewing (MI), this pragmatic book shows how to use everyday interactions with students as powerful opportunities for change. MI comprises skills and strategies that can make brief conversations about any kind of behavioral, academic, or peer-related challenge more effective. Extensive sample dialogues bring to life the “dos and don’ts” of talking to K–12 students (and their parents) in ways that promote self-directed problem solving and personal growth. The authors include the distinguished codeveloper of MI plus two former classroom teachers. User-friendly features include learning exercises and reflection questions; additional helpful resources are available at the companion website. Written for teachers, the book will be recommended and/or used in teacher workshops by school psychologists, counselors, and social workers.